Shari Fridman goes by her pseudonym, Shari X Insanity. She is a 33-year-old poet/artist/writer from New Jersey. She graduated from Bergen Community College in 2015 with an Associate’s Degree in Cinema Studies.

Her poetry has been published in the BCC’s college literary magazine, Labyrinth, three times in the 2013-2015 issues. After graduating, she was published in Bryan Oliver’s Turn Left at Main Street and Other Surreal Stories and in Ivan Velez, Jr.’s The Monsters of the Bronx, Volume 1. More of her poetry was published in Blood Moon Rising Magazine for Issues 90, 93, and 98.

Shari can be found in person reciting and reading original poems at Open Mic Nights in coffeehouses across New Jersey.

Her literary hero is Edgar Allan Poe, and she loves reading books, art, coffee, horror, gaming, yoga, rollerblading, concerts, metal music, and her two cats, Houdini and Doomy.



You slashed your sword
Through my heart
Stuck your hand around it
Hold it tight
Then you ripped it out and tear it apart.

Within the darkness of this night
I couldn’t see
That you were a vampire hunter
Assigned to kill me
The mission was for you to pretend to be my lover

Little did I know at the time
Thought you were my handsome, shining knight
Who have at one time saved my life
But now you rather stand there among your hunters
To witness me die

Outside the castle, once the sun rises
While the sun combusts and spreads the wildest fire
I begin to think to myself
How I always thought
That I always wanted to live forever

But now I truly wish
That someone will turn me into a mortal
Make me normal

Can I ask of you and your hunters?
The biggest favor?
Come closer and I will whisper
Will you please kill me sooner?

So this pain that burns me inside
Will no longer linger?
What’s the point of being immortal and a vampire?
If no one will share my immortality?
This eternal love and unity.


Every Master has their slave
Their slaves seeks out the master’s prey
To satisfy their hunger
Making them more powerful and stronger.

My master didn’t do what he was told
Now I’m imprisoned and have fallen under his spell
This is how my story unfolds.

My lips belong to a vampire’s kiss
The master’s lips tastes like sugar
The sugary spice is addicting
The zest is enthralling

My heart is embraced by a vampire’s love
Sometimes I see the angels smiling in their clouds above
Other times I hear the imps cackling in the underworld
My soul is bound to him for eternity

We will live side by side immortally
He’s a changeling who doesn’t feed on blood or flesh
He feeds off of my enchanted enamor love and happiness

He caresses my skin with a seductive gentle touch
Cradles me in his pale slender arms
Rocks me to sleep; my own lullaby

As he places me in his casket
Slowly not to wake me up he rests by my side
Putting the blankets over my body

We remain united in this darkness together
Hands twined and lips curled on the other
Accompanied by solitude and peaceful silence

This is the story of a forbidden love
My master is a vampire
I’m my master’s prey
How ironic
Fortunately, he loves me all the same.