
A teacher’s lesson of similes and metaphors inspired Emily Jones tto write, her love of descriptions transforming into stories and poetry. She’s a passionate individual who turns almost anything into an idea, even her darkest moments, and carries a notebook with her at all times. Although she has a broad interest in genres, her work tends to be dark and she hopes one day to publish her collection.



She whispers in my dreams with a velvet voice
Her thoughts drizzling my mind like honey
She sings the misdeeds of others
Warning me not to venture into their trap
Every night becomes a battle for sanity
I am lost between the siren and reality
Each thread of nerve and instinct is unraveled
Any confident thought twisted and bled 
The identity of my voice is no longer certain
Her wisp of doubt intoxicating every line
So blinded by the logic of her wisdom
Unable to look beyond the fear she has placed 
I feel myself dying beneath her weight
My beloved fortress no longer safe
I scribble down my every trace
Hunting for the pieces left
And arrive at my last untainted view:
Hands bound and tongue-tied
Eyes searching for their lies
My skin no longer breathes
I only shake inside her web
With one unanswered question
Still burning inside my heart
Who is telling the truth?


I’m being crushed beneath love’s weight
Choking on the inadequate air it has left me
I’m struggling to breathe in this prison of despair
The growing flames consuming my screams
What hellish ordeal is this?
To be taken against my will and sold to this feeling
This unwanted obsession for a single other
And left at the mercy of a pained existence
I die inside with the truth left unspoken
While emotion tears through me without remorse
I cling to life by a single thread
Each fiber slowly twisting to break
Until I fall into eternal damnation
The cage around my soul clicking shut


I’m alone with your screams
The shadows twisting to reflect your pain
I find comfort in the sound
My home in the heart of your nightmares
We used to be the same
Quiet and free, soaring above the chaos
Then we were crippled, lost and crawling
Held prisoner in the frozen depths
Now I’m at one with the agony
The blood of despair keeping me warm
I thrive while you continue to fall
My soul disfigured by the dark
Soon you’ll be ash beneath my feet
A sad memory in a world of horror


My body weeps while my mind is ravished by sickness
Its fabric dissolving beyond the borders of control
My heart dances on heady strings staged in its ruins
Enslaved to the dark master of this growing wasteland
It strays, distracted and taken by things that never were
Feverishly beating under that manipulative hand
Ugliness bleeds through my skin for even the blindest to see
Every word I breathe is poison; every look I give is damned
I am ashamed and entranced by the feelings that consume me
Unable and unwilling to fight my way out of the haze
My sweetness is laced with venom; don’t get tangled in its web
Close your eyes, don’t kiss me goodbye, and leave me
Go now
Before it’s too late…