Stephanie Smith is a poet and writer from Scranton, Pennsylvania. In addition to The Horror Zine, her work has appeared in such publications as Carnage House, The Literary Hatchet, Raven Cage, Danse Macabre, Aphelion, The Chamber, and Illumen.
You can find her on facebook HERE
Nothing stirs in this house but ghosts
A wisp of black smoke that comes and goes
We spend the days slaying demons
In this realm of light and shadow
Somewhere in between
Your hand has slipped away
Somewhere in the whiteness
There’s a powdery residue of you
Like childhood lost forever
Like the way we haunt ourselves at night
Fighting the undead in the dark
I dreamed the darkness moved
Schizophrenic shadows held me in their arms
Nightmares roamed unleashed and searching for
skin to hide beneath
Somewhere monsters—with their sharpened teeth—
carved poetry into flesh
I trembled in my sleep
in an hallucinogenic pas de deux with Death
before we settled down for a game of chess
I wept at the beauty such terror invoked
The mystery which lay behind the curtain of night
I was a child again, fraught with fright and wonder
Longing for my mother in the ghost-lit darkness
She welcomes us
at the graveyard gate:
an apparition composed of
clean, white linen
I inhale the incense
of her hair—
a poem I once heard
at a funeral
The kiss before the
casket closes
where I am left alone
Demons whisper in the mist
sweet songs of ecstasy
Lullabies as slick as the grease the world was built upon
There was no big bang but a solemn collapse
An interruption in the middle of evening tea
As if midnight couldn't come soon enough
the darkness snuffs out the suffering light
and relieves it of its misery
Dreams drift across the room on shiny, ebon wings
Dreams as thin as air
I wonder where they go when morning comes
and the quiet hours cease to be
I wonder if nightmares become tangible things
and roam the tired landscapes
spreading contagion and disease
I wonder what it feels like to take one final breath
to be free to dance with angels at
the cliff where hope plunges to its death