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The Horror Zine BEWARE |
DAVID BOYER Aliases: Jana Moore, Grant Dean, David Byron, D. Daniel Brian, Sean Killian, Darren Oberhaus, Brian Bradford, George LaCroix, Leland Gaines, Dylan Cook, Doc Byron, Iron Dave, Tobey King, Jack Sawyer, Leo Wolfe, Jack Burnett, Christian Loche, Daniel Byron, Doc Creeper, Joe Hammond, Kelli Kelso, Kelli Ross, and probably many others, including female aliases |
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WHO: David Boyer (see list of aliases above) REASON: plagiarism, theft, monetary theft, non-compliance, and con man B. Thoughtful discovered the theft of Dean Koontz's work by David Boyer as the alias Dylan Cook, and you can see more details about this theft HERE DAVID BOYER PLAGIARIZED DEAN KOONTZ Below is evidence of the theft of Dean Koontz's The Bad Place. First, David Boyer's version using his alias Dylan Cook: And now the version as written by the real author, Dean Koontz: BRAND NEW (March 29, 2012): David Boyer's newest alias Darren Oberhaus can be seen HERE thanks to B. Thoughtful's discovery HERE David Boyer (as Doc Byron) submits a stolen story to The Horror Writers Association: See the latest (as of November 2011) from the Horror Writers Association HERE David Boyer submitted a stolen story to The Horror Writers Association as his alias David Byron (image below). Charles P. Zaglanis from Elder Signs Press discovered Boyer's theft of the story "Electrocuting the Clowns" and it was B. Thoughtful's investigations that proved how extensively David Boyer was marketing that stolen story. Also, it was B. Thoughtful who discovered the plagiarisms in Crimson Screams, resulting in Tyree Campbell's removal of that anthology from Sam's Dot Publishing. WHY THE HORROR ZINE IS INVOLVED: Two reasons: First, David Boyer (using his alias David Byron) submitted a plagiarized story to The Horror Zine titled The Dead Wall that was really written by Michael Wolf. See the real author of The Dead Wall HERE. Jodi Lee of Belfire Press was the one who originally discovered this theft. Second, David Boyer (using his alias Jack Burnett) stole a book that was really written by The Horror Zine's editor Jeani Rector, and Boyer tried to sell Jeani's book on Amazon as his own (see correspondence with Amazon at the bottom of this page). NOTE: The Horror Zine wants to personally thank B. Thoughtful for her careful research and for her extraordinary discoveries of evidence. Her hard work protects writers against theft. DAVID BOYER STOLE A MANUSCRIPT FROM THE EDITOR OF THE HORROR ZINE David stole a manuscript from me by telling me his name was David Byron and by pretending to be a publisher in 2008. I sent him the manuscript to see, and when we couldn't come to terms about book price (He wanted to sell if for a whopping price of $22.99! Today it is published by Graveyard Press and it sells for $14.99), I declined for David to publish me. I want to make it clear that I said no, I did NOT want to be published by him. I thought that was the end of it. The next thing I knew, my book was on Amazon (self published through Lulu) and my book was listed as being authored by Jack Burnett! The only way I could prove to Amazon that it was my book is because David never bothered to change the inside of the book, which said written "by Jeani Rector." To this day I am amazed that he left my name on the inside of the book. Now I present email correspondence between Amazon and myself to demonstrate how I was finally able to get the stolen book (that David Boyer plagiarized under the alias Jack Burnett) removed off of Amazon (below). Please remember that this correspondence is NOT discussing Jeani Rector's REAL book, which is also titled Around a Dark Corner, and the REAL book is still available for sale under the REAL author, Jeani Rector HERE. The version of the book stolen by David Boyer has already been removed off of Amazon, as witnessed below: RE: email for Adrian Garver Monday, December 27, 2010 Dear Ms. Rector, Here is David Boyer posting his venom on Shocklines:
Note: If you have been a victim of David Boyer, please contact Jeani Rector HERE. See an experience from someone who was ripped off financially by Boyer HERE (see HERE for over 60 examples of thefts by David Boyer) Known email addresses: d.danielbrian@gmail.com, janamoore55@gmail.com, davidboyer51@mail.com, killian.sean@yahoo.com, darrenoberhaus@yahoo.com, grant_dean@rocketmail.com, bbradford63@gmail.com, jacksawyer51@gmail.com, tobeyking51@gmail.com, jb7731@live.com, sydslasher@rocketmail.com, irondv9@gmail.com, fprodigiessubs@gmail.com, dbyronfiction@gmail.com, irondavefiction@gmail.com, kellirosskelso@gmail.com, jh6938@gmail.com, davidboyerwriter@yahoo.com The Horror Writers Association takes action against David Boyer HERE DMCA reportedly offers services to take down copyrighted material, though I have not personally used their services. Note: Many of the links below were made public due to B. Thoughtful's work, research, and evidence. You can learn more about B. Thoughtful HERE. Documentation of David Boyer's crimes: David Boyer calls Ramsey Campbell names HERE Brian Keene speaks about Boyer HERE *Victoria Strauss Writers Beware HERE *New Writers Beware warning HERE Paul Anthony Short's feelings HERE Travis Grundon's experience HERE Science Fiction Writers Association warning HERE The real author of Electrocuting the Clowns speaks HERE B.Thoughtful's documentation HERE A personal experience HERE Another personal experience HERE David Boyer (as David Byron) steals money HERE About Darkened Doorways magazine HERE An example of theft under the alias Iron Dave HERE About Written in Blood HERE A writer discusses David HERE David Boyer's post to Ramsey Campbell HERE (click on the image to enlarge it) * Writer Beware™, is a publishing industry watchdog group sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America with additional support from the Mystery Writers of America, shines a bright light into the dark corners of the shadow-world of literary scams, schemes, and pitfalls. This photo (below) is at least nine years old but David still uses this one: Some of David Boyer's current websites include:
As GRANT DEAN As DAVID BOYER As DYLAN COOK As JACK SAWYER As DAVID BYRON As A CHRISTIAN As DEADMAN Inked in Blood (as Jack Sawyer) HERE, and while you are at it, see the Preditors and Editors "thumbs down" about Inked in Blood HERE David Boyer frequently shows one of his many cats on his websites: Email from Ferrel "Rick" Moore to a professional writer dated February 22, 2012: I don’t know how much you know about my background with this issue, but brought him to the attention of thousands of people via my blog http://thewriterandthewhitecat.blogspot.com/2010/10/pin-tail-on-this-plagiarist.html with the support of a great many people in our industry. Without them, nothing would have been accomplished at all, but as it is his name is now synonymous with plagiarism. Lisa Morton, Brian Keen, Dean Koontz are just a few of the people who were involved. The National Writers Union, The Horror Writer Association and the SFWA were involved with support letters to the AG of Indiana. My approach was to file against him with the Attorney General of Indiana for Consumer Fraud. It was completely free, and it’s an online form at this web address: http://www.indianaconsumer.com/filecomplaint.asp You see, David Boyer is a for-profit sole proprietorship. In other words, a business operating under the same business regulations as any other business. When he stole my work and sold it for profit as he did, he was committing Consumer Fraud. I filed as a consumer since I bought his works to find the plagiary. I did not file as a writer, because then it would have to go to court and I would have to pay and the little creep would bankrupt out of the judgment. So I went after him for Consumer Fraud along with a host of other writers who filed using the same venue. In your case, Boyer has adopted a new tactic. He misrepresents himself to interviewees et al to gain free material- given without contract usually- to make a profit under false pretenses. If the interviewee knew who he really was and Googled him, he wouldn’t get many takers. So I suspect that is something you can file against him using the same method as I did, and do it for free. New Voices in Horror Logo: Posted in Facebook by Dark Markets Magazine on June 1, 2011, this quote: "Iron" David Boyer has been leeching off of horror writer's stuff--Beware this guy and New Voices in Horror magazine, NVH Books and Darkened Doorways magazine! Lost Souls Magazine here: Read the Shocklines post about Lost Souls HERE Please do not confuse David Boyer's (alias Grant Dean) with the REAL, legitimate Lost Souls Magazine found HERE. The tripod.com Lost Souls Magazine has been around for years, while David Boyer's Lost Souls Magazine is fairly new and is on the free website weebly.com HERE. BEWARE THESE BOOKS!! Taboo: Breaking Rules Christian Fiction HERE As the alias Leland Gaines TRUE CONFESSIONS OF TRUE CRIME WRITERS As the alias Grant Dean LOST SOULS MAGAZINE ISSUE 1 Bear Manor Media CINEMASSACRES This book has been removed from Bear Manor Media due to plagiarism but is still in stock at Amazon QUEENS OF SCREAMS Self-published under the fake name Dylan Cook BRAVE NEW WORLDS Here is the book that Boyer stole from Dean Koontz under his fake name Dylan Cook (Mr. Koontz's lawyer had this book removed from Amazon). Notice the absurdity of a cute kitten on the cover of a horror book. THE GRAND DESIGN A fake name Jack Sawyer fiasco ROCK AND ROLL PARTY OF THE DEAD More from the alias Jack Sawyer: HOT AND HORRIFYING: THE BOOK A book by the fake name Leo Wolfe STORIES FROM THE WASTELAND Lucid Nightmares HERE As David Byron WHERE HAVE ALL THE GOOD ZOMBIES GONE About David Boyer's fillmmaking: Quotes you might find informative: Janrae Frank: "David Boyer stole stories from Jane Timm Baxter. The stories were under contract with Daverana Enterprises for a collection by Ms. Baxter that would include reprint and original material. When both Ms. Baxter and her publisher demanded that the book be removed (and indeed did manage to persuade lulu to remove the title), Boyer dumped abuse on both of them that continues to this day." Ferrel "Rick" Moore: "One of his practices as a “publisher” was to solicit manuscripts from writers and then to steal them, publishing them under his name or one of his many aliases. Which is why so many organizations in the US have issued warnings against him. Also, he stole stories from Storymania and published those under one of his many names. Another interesting tactic of his has been to blame his victims who have been spreading the word to protect other writers, trying to portray them as “stalkers” when in fact he was the original predator. This is known as the “I’m a victim” tactic." See a David Boyer screenplay using his alias Leland Gaines: See his screenplay where he writes about a celebrity interviewer and a plagiarist HERE RICE {Leaning his face in toward the desk} Wonderful! Now, here’s the question; it is said that a whole chapter in your new book is actually an abbreviated – and plagiarized – version of a story written by the up and coming horror writer, Tobey Cook, entitled Stealing the Nightmare. Any comment?