The Horror Zine
Leon and Deborah
Jazmin Gowdy

All of the artwork on this page has been created by Jazmin Gowdy, who is our February Featured Artist

Please feel free to email Jazmin at:

Jazmin Gowdy

Bored Hardly Any Makeup

Tight as Fuck Cool as Hell


Hey Ho I Stole JJ's Phone Light my Dark

Leon and Deborah

It's Always Sunny in Hawaii


Born in 1992, Jazmin Gowdy has been involved in art since the time that she could walk. Always armed with paper and her supply kit, her addiction to bringing her thoughts and feelings into existence is almost unhealthy. Her skills took root in western comics and the world-wide Manga and Anime craze, but have since branched out to many different mediums. Apparel design, graphic design, portraits, tattoo design, music, and freelance writing are what catch her attention. As she says, “I have to try it at least once, especially if I have a talent for it!”

Jazmin has a penchant for tattoos, piercings, and colorful hair; music brings her to life, no matter what the genre. Just put on her favorite tunes, and that is all the inspiration she will need.  She is obsessed with pin-ups (and wants to try pin-up modeling one day), lives for videogames, and wishes she could travel back in time to immerse herself in the cultures of the 1930’s to the ‘80’s.

She is currently trying to get her foot in the door of the art world by attacking with all of her artistic strengths. She is currently pursuing a degree in Apparel Design at Seattle Central Community College, in Washington. She also does commissions for portraits, pop art, tattooed portraits, and tattoo designs, as well as developing her musical potential to, “see how it goes”. As well as visual art, she is currently working in the literary field, intending to write what will hopefully become a book series. Never one to settle for a singular thing and always looking to evolve her art, her many different projects keep her busy 24/7. And that’s fine with her! She hopes to one day make a true career out of her talents, because when you do what you love for a living, it never feels like a job.

We Fell for the Sharks

Fuck da Haters

Hey There Beautifuls