paper dolls
Ashley Dioses

The June Featured Poet is Ashley Dioses

Please feel free to email Ashley at: fiendlover@gmail.com

Ashley Dioses


I am forever trapped on a display,
With tight curls and a colorful bouquet.
I am dressed up nice and meant to play well
With other paper dolls in this stand-still Hell.

We wait in silence with plastered smiles,
Lined up neatly as an army in aisles.
When the darkness falls we turn our heads
To our creator, whom we’ll rip to shreds...


A seemingly crisp gentle breeze
On a certain cold darksome night
Makes your soft tender insides freeze
From the abrupt bitter frost bite.

Silence echoes across the wind
Summoning the dead kings to rise.
They are filled with hatred and sin;
Drenched deep in honeyed covered lies.

We feast hungrily on such hate,
We grow ever on its havoc;
The dead kings would lie in long wait
For the coming of the riots.

We are filled with devastation
From such broken and tattered hearts.
They stare at the mutilation
As human flesh is torn apart.

Yet the dead kings that rise again
Shall forever fall hard once more.
They fall with their infinite sin
Forever for their ghoulish gore.


A raging surf once filled your soul,
Fury inside, filling you whole.
Chaos, havoc eating away,
Concealed feelings slowly betray.
They will break and they will shatter,
Your mind over your dense matter.

These frozen tides will start to die,
As they open up, crack, and cry.
The waves can’t be stilled or stay chilled,
The crashes will roar and you’ll be thrilled.


Eerie gaze-less eyes leer
Upon gnarled smaragdine plains.
Abandoned, left cold pains
As they became objects of fear.

Once cherished and held tight,
By many small innocent girls
Who envied exact curls,
Porcelain dolls were out of sight.

The dolls’ flawless faux skin,
Hyaline iridescent eyes,
Youth and beauty that never dies,
And their everlasting sweet grin.

Girls’ innocent yearnings
Turned to envious desire.
They began to conspire
To destroy and start the burnings.

The Porcelain Garden
Became the dolls’ final domain.
A dark place to remain
Forever until their pardon.

Ashley Dioses received her AS in Health Information Technology at ITT Technical Institute in 2011. She is a martial arts instructor and student, training in Soo Bahk Do. She has trained in that style for around four years and has recently acquired her black belt. Previously, she trained in a Japanese karate mix for five years and received her brown belt.

She is currently working on a poetry book consisting of horror and fantastical themes that she hopes to get published in the near future. Her poems and short stories have appeared in Dark River Press, Horrotica (both no longer running), Blood Moon Rising, and The Stray Branch.